Gender identity is one of the most hotly debated trends within our current culture. And sadly, it is just that…a trend. It is socially constructed phenomena that has erupted over the last decade that defies reality and truth. Throughout the Western world, it is disrupting society at many levels.
Gender identity stems from queer theory. Queer theory has been in the making since the 1960’s and is a direct result of postmodernism. Queer theorists believe that sex and gender are socially constructed and solely dependent on the preferences of the prevailing culture. A binary position on biologic sex and corresponding gender identity is rejected. As a result, the transgender movement has changed the way that many view sexuality.
God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:27
I stand in complete opposition to queer theory and the transgender movement.
Since, biological reality is the sum of all that is scientifically proven and existent, and since feelings do not determine biology, our feelings should therefore not determine our biological reality/identity.
Prior to the influence of postmodernism, biological identity stemmed from what we were able to know scientifically. For years, rigorous scientific research has helped humans uncover the intricacies of the human body. Two human sexes, male and female, have existed since the start of humanity. This is scientifically evidenced by chromosome composition and anatomy. For example, if you were born with male genitalia and the XY chromosome, then you are male. The same is true for females, born with female genitalia and the XX chromosome. These traits are not only self-evident but are scientifically proven. Only approximately 1% of the US population is born with a chromosomal makeup that differs from their corresponding anatomy.
In our current culture, queen theory demands a sexless and genderless society. No longer do they want humans to be defined by biological makeup. Instead, queer theory asserts that we can be whatever we feel or desire. This assertion is entirely relative and not tied to any scientific truth. If we follow such logic, I could identify as a size two, twenty-one-year-old (I’m actually a size six, forty-five-year-old!). Ha! Or I could identify as trans-abled or trans-racial. This list would literally be endless. That’s the absurdity of it all. Once you allow feelings to dictate reality, the concept of truth goes away entirely, opening the door to a slippery slope effect in which an infinite chain of identities must be allowed. Imagine a culture in which humans could identify as pets?! And pets as humans?! This may sound absurd, but the “furry” identity is real. You heard me right. And public school teachers would be required to respect these identities.
Again, feelings do not dictate human biology. If they did, I could have willed my preferred sex for each of my children prior to their birth. Or every single cancer patient in the world could will themselves to be cancer free. I think we can all agree that this is not possible. It defies reality and the corresponding truth. Biology trumps feelings. Instead, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27). When we allow feelings, not biology, to dictate our identity then we are in complete rebellion against our maker.
If you haven’t been touched by the fallout of queer theory, I’d encourage you to talk with parents with children in the public school system. Not only are their children bombarded with it conceptually, they are now being forced to participate in it in areas such as athletics. Two years ago, my daughter played on an all girls volleyball team with a biological male. It was uncomfortable both on and off the court. Uniforms were changed from traditional uniforms for the entire team to looser fitting uniforms in order to accommodate one trans-athlete. Uniforms are not the only thing that girls are losing….its championship titles and more. The story of Chelsea Mitchell in Connecticut is becoming more and more frequent. Chelsea Mitchell was the fastest runner in Connecticut in the women’s 55 meter dash until her state allow transgender athletes to compete against her. Chelsea lost four state championships to trans-athletes.
You can find her story here:
I would like to encourage you to reject queen theory in its entirety. Queer theory is illogical, incoherent and an affront to human biology. The destruction surrounding this movement have been considerable and we need voices more than ever to stand against it.