My best writing always seems to take place when I write from the place I’m currently seated, putting my heart to paper. These last few weeks have been heavy. Summer is coming to a close and I feel wrung out. Literally. Completely depleted. Picture a soaking wet towel that is twisted tight to get the last few drops of wet out before being hung up to dry. Yep, that’s me right now.
Our summers are packed full of lake time, summer jobs, friends, food and making memories as a family! I love them and wouldn’t trade them for anything. This particular summer, however, was also a time of extra house guests, a physical injury, and a graduate class. It was certainly a time of going the extra mile in some areas, but I am feeling the toll on my physical, emotional and spiritual bandwidth these last few weeks. Can anyone else relate?
Today happens to gorgeous outside….one of the warmest sunniest days we’ve had all summer. With my kids going back to school tomorrow, I feel compelled to work at a frightening pace to try and squeeze it all in before the days end. As much as I’d like to get up and work the day away, I have learned that when I hit this wall, I cannot push harder. Instead, I must rest better. And that is just what I’ve decided to do today. Rest and refill.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matthew 11: 28-30
Jesus spoke directly on our course of action when feeling bogged down and worn out in Matthew 11. Contrary to the legalistic and oppressive yoke of the Pharisees, Jesus commanded His listeners to rest in Him, where His “yoke is easy and burden is light.” I love this. Who doesn’t desire to feel light on their feet, with the weight of the world lifted? So often I feel as though I’m barely keeping my head above water, drowning in a sea of to-dos. Instead of Jesus calling us to one more to-do, the passage invites us to lay our burdens with Him. It is an invitation to spiritual rest.
Spiritual rest is as equally important as physical rest. It is a place where less becomes more. It is a place of freedom and peace. It is permission to rest in the omnipresent peace of God. It is practicing activities that restore and refill your soul. For me that includes things such as prayer, journaling, reading, eating correctly, and exercise. It can even include doing absolutely nothing sometimes. Recharge looks different for all of us, but it is vital to our overall health.
Whether it is a spouse, a child, or maybe a friend, when the craziness of life takes over, do you ever just find you need a day to reconnect with intention? This is no different. Spiritual rest is an intentional reconnect with our Heavenly Father. I don’t know what you handle on a daily basis. In my own life, I am in leadership daily in a variety of capacities. It can be incredibly draining, and requires me to be intentional with self care. I had a friend message me last week with words from Full Focus founder Michael Hyatt, “The busier you are, the more intentional you must be.” Truth.
I want to leave you with this today. Our family went see Brandon Lake in concert this summer in Nashville. Partway through the concert he sang the song “Closer.” It completely resonated with me, putting to words the spiritual recharge my heart has been desiring these last few weeks. The song describes the spiritual rest we all need from time to time.
Go, listen, and find some time this week to draw closer to Him.