It’s not often that I’m up during the middle of the night putting pen to paper. But something has me here tonight. Maybe it’s the uneasy stage of life that I’m in right now. I’m personally in a transition, the result of a multitude of changes – seasons ending with new ones on the horizon. Maybe it’s partly my age….as I push past forty and move toward fifty with the realization that my life is likely half over at this point. Or, maybe it’s that I have close friends that are also in this same place for one reason or another; death of a spouse, loss of a marriage, terminal illness, job shift, kids moving away, etc. It all sits so heavy on my heart with eyes wide open in the quietness of the dark.
What can we do when our mind wanders down these roads of worry and concern?
I’ve lived long enough now to know that I have little control over the things that worry me at a macro level. In years passed, that thought was terrifying. Since then, thankfully, I’ve gained higher levels of trust in my relationship with God. I know that He is in full control and I trust that He works with my best interest in mind. What used to terrify me now feels like a blessing. But still we are human and can feel overrun with emotions when walking through these valleys.
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Mark 11:24
So, the question still stands. What can we do in these places of intense worry? The answer? Prayer.
What a gift we have in prayer. Paul tells us in Philippians “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication and with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6). Prayer is a direct line of communication that God has given us to bring all of our petitions before Him. Likewise, the apostle James also points out the power of prayer. “Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray” (James 5:13). Prayer has the ability to strengthen us, renew our joy (v.13), and heal us (v. 15). In other words, prayer offers us a sense of mental rest from the concerns of this world.
Biblical prayer is almost as old as humanity, dating back to Genesis 4:26 when “people began to call on the name of the Lord.” Throughout the Bible, we can find many more examples of prayer. Just look at the book of Psalms alone! And who could forget about Daniel?! Daniel’s prayer life was, well, to be envied! Daniel prayed three times a day, even in the face of being tossed into the lion’s den as punishment for violating King Darius’ ‘no prayer’ order (Daniel 6). He clearly recognized the importance of prayer, especially under pressure.
My purpose in mentioning such spiritual prayer giants (and there are many more!) is not to hold up examples of extraordinary men of faith (true as it may be), but rather to demonstrate to you the long-standing importance of prayer. There will always be seasons in life that will be difficult and disappointing. But as Christians, it is in these places that we gain trust and resilience in God.
Over the last few years, prayer has become like a spiritual watering of my soul; washing away the worries, fears and uncertainties of life. Jesus’ final act while hanging on the cross was prayer. “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” And with that, He breathed his last breath (Luke 23: 44-46). What cross are you bearing right now? Regardless of the place you find yourself, prayer has the power to transform it.