North Star

Whack-A-Mole. The first time I can remember playing it was at Chuck E. Cheese. For those that have never been to a Chuck E. Cheese, it is a kid’s utopia – full of pizza, sugary snacks and games galore.  One of my favorite games was Whack-A-Mole.  Inserting payment tokens over and over again in the hopes of earning strips and strips of tickets that would then be turned in for cheap prizes on my departure.  With a giant padded mallet in hand, Whack-A-Mole is an arcade-type game with toy moles that pop up and down from holes.  Object of the game?  Hit the as many moles as possible! The faster you hit, the more points you score!  It is fast paced, requires focus, and certainly challenges your reflexes! 

Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint.  Lead me to the rock that is higher than I for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy. I will sojourn in thy tent forever; I will take refuge in the covert of thy wings

Psalm 61:1-4

At some point in everyone’s adult life Whack-A-Mole becomes a daily reality.  As a mom of four and owner of a couple of businesses, I’ve had many days that bring back the mallet-swinging memories of Whack-A-Mole at Chuck E. Cheese.  But instead of toy moles, I am swinging at the daily challenges of life.  Sometimes the challenges that pop up are obstacles that must be hit head on, and other times they are pivots and opportunities.  Either way, there is a certain amount of persistence and timeliness that you must possess in order to find success.  

Have you ever felt like your life is a game of Whack-A-Mole? Regardless of the circumstances, you find yourself swinging at all of life’s challenges, opportunities, and responsibilities as an adult. Some seasons require more effort than other. None the less, you must be on your toes and ready at all times.

As I’ve grown in my responsibilities as an adult, particularly within the role of business leader, I have found that the key to continuing to hit these daily ‘moles’ is in the proper placement of my focus. For me, that is on God alone. With God as the central focus in my endeavors, I am better equipped to pursue my callings with a strong sense of confidence and without the fear of failure.  Many call this kingdom leadership.

Early on in leadership roles, fear of failure was at times crippling to me.  As I’ve grown over the last twenty years, my leadership dial has moved away from self-driven motives to God-driven motives.  What do I mean?  

Here is a recent example from my own experience.  In the trenches of building businesses over the last 15 years, my husband and I have learned (sometimes the very hard way) just how import it is to weave our core values into everything we do.  Rather than making purely profit-driven decisions, we’ve placed equal emphases on values-driven decision making.  From the hiring process right through to the service and goods we provide.  Much like our role as parents, we have found it is equally as important as business owners to inspire, equip, and empower our employees as it is to provide a paycheck each week.  As such, we become responsible for laying down guiderails on core values and expected behavior.  Have we done it right every time?  Nope.  But let me tell you that when we have fallen short in values-driven decision making, particularly with personnel, we’ve paid a great price.  

As a result, we have re-solidified our core values approach in all that we do; making it central to all decision-making within our businesses. We are living proof that you do not have to compromise values to be successful. Values first, and we trust that profits will follow. It goes without saying that our values are driven by our faith. The same is true in other areas of our life.  In the rough times when the moles outnumber us, we are sustained with a firm focus on God; one that fully trusts, regardless of the outcome.  

The results?  Time and time again, God has never let us down.  It has created within us a sense of unconditional trust and a relentlessness to follow God’s lead.  Much like the North Star can be used by sailors at sea to find true north, so too is our Christian faith in leadership.  

What is your North Star in the areas where you lead at home and professionally?  Is it finance, titles, appearances?  These things will all eventually fade away as the years click past.  I would encourage you to find your North Star in our eternal God. Pray for His guidance in all areas of your life. I can promise you, He won’t let you down.

xo Carre

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