An evaluation of my physical health is always front and center at the New Year, in large part because I am exiting

Christmas.  It seems like it begins earlier and earlier every year.  Nonetheless, it is my favorite time of year to celebrate.  With

In the last six weeks, it has been all around me.  Not just the old, but in the young and vibrant too. 

What a privilege we have to live in a country where we have a voice with our vote.  Our US democracy offers

The attitude indicator on an aircraft is a flight instrument that informs the pilot of the aircraft’s orientation relative to the earth’s

It is grape harvest time in the Finger Lakes of New York State right now, and my husband and staff are very

Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel. Jeremiah 18:6 If you

My best writing always seems to take place when I write from the place I’m currently seated, putting my heart to paper. 

Do you ever feel utterly amazed in the ways that you routinely fall short?  We all have our own personal battles. Most

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