In 1776, Thomas Jefferson is credited with being the first founding father to refer to our newly formed nation as the United States of

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and

Three weeks to go and my oldest son, Jake, will be uprooted and reestablishing himself at college.  Graduation came quickly, and the

One of my favorite books in the Bible is James.  He is straight forward and to the point.   There is no vagueness. 

What woman doesn’t love diamonds?!  Last Christmas, my husband gave me a gorgeous pair of one carat diamond solitaire earrings. They are

Rainbows.  They are everywhere this month.  As I walked through the mall last week, store fronts without some variation of the rainbow

Last week’s leaked draft of the Supreme Court opinion that could overturn Roe v Wade has the abortion debate reenergized.  It’s no

I’ve had the privilege of being the mother to four beautiful children.  I’ve also had the privilege of having been raised by

I’ve been away for two days traveling.  It’s Friday.  The week was LONG.  I feel tired.  Physically and mentally spent.  It’s just

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