As I left bible study this morning, I couldn’t help but think about the teaching on Daniel. I had a much clearer

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Hmm. Truly? Is that really possible? This scripture was certainly front and center

It’s a beautiful fall day.  Sunny, blue skies and the all the colors of leaves that are trickling to the ground…..a letting

I sat down talking to a work colleague today and asked her how things were going.  “Great!”, she replied.  As we continued

Mothering is not for the faint-hearted.  No truer words were ever spoken.  Having been a mom for many years now, it has

I spend hours organizing. Yep. I’m an organization nut. I love all things, ordered, neat, color-coded, labeled, cubbied, etcetera.   You name it,

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